Instagram has many users and businesses. But similar whatever other social media platform, you can't ever be certain if the person on the other side is honest or a legitimate business.

One fashion to spot a simulated Instagram account is by checking if it has changed its username recently. If a concern account regularly changes usernames, there's a loftier take chances it's non legitimate.

But tin can you observe the former usernames of an account on Instagram? And why do people change Instagram usernames in the starting time place? Here's what you need to know and how to see the number of times someone has inverse their username on Instagram...

Why Do People Alter Instagram Business relationship Usernames?

In that location are two main reasons people or businesses decide to change usernames on their social media profiles. I reason to modify an account username on Instagram is to create a more than memorable or user-friendly username.

However, these profiles wouldn't alter their names frequently since businesses and individuals alike often give pregnant thought before choosing a business concern proper noun or username. And if they decide to change the brand proper noun or username, it will stay that way for an extended menses.

The other reason for changing an Instagram username may be for malicious motivations—to brand information technology hard for scam victims to detect the account in the future. This is of import because scammers know victims will discover their Instagram account details by username.

A grid of mobile app icons showing Instagram most prominently

If someone changes their username and has blocked your business relationship, you won't be able to meet their account in the future. Even worse, Instagram also provides an option to block a unmarried business relationship and any new accounts that a blocked user might create.

Equally an Instagram user, you lot tin can't tell which reason may be the intent behind every username change. Merely it's always useful to cheque to see if an account has a suspicious number of changes. Knowing how to observe fake information online has get increasingly important in the electric current era.

For this reason, Instagram added a manner to check the number of times an account inverse its username in the recent past, where an account is located, and when information technology was created. These features enable you to avoid even sophisticated social media scams.

Tin can You lot Check Someone'southward One-time Usernames on Instagram?

In the past, you would see an account's Instagram username history and the specific appointment when a sure username was created. Depending on how frequently the account changes its username, you would meet several old usernames. However, not anymore.

Instagram now merely displays the number of times an business relationship has changed its usernames in the past.

How to Bank check Username Alter History on Instagram

Instagram offers an easy manner for you to check if a specific business relationship has changed its username recently.

Follow these steps to uncover the number of times an Instagram account has changed its usernames:

  1. Navigate to an account's profile page.
  2. Tap the three-dot card in the top right.
  3. Select Most This Account from the pop-up.
  4. Tap Former Usernames. On the adjacent page, Instagram volition display the number of times the account has changed its usernames in the past.

Ane downside of the feature is it'due south not available on all Instagram accounts. If you don't encounter the Near This Account option, the account may non have this additional information available.

Another caveat with this method is yous will simply see username changes that have happened recently. If they have not changed usernames for a long fourth dimension, Instagram will tell you the account has never done and so, which might be true or false.

Not seeing a recent username change is positive, and that's ane of the first things you should always look out for to avoid Instagram scams. Ane recent Instagram username change isn't bad equally it may take happened due to a legitimate reason. But frequent changes can be a red flag.

Check Before You Spend

Instagram continues to push button into e-commerce, and at that place are many businesses selling products and services on the platform. Influencers besides sell their merch on the photo and video-sharing app.

As the platform leans further into online shopping, it'southward important to know how to differentiate faux profiles from legitimate ones.

Instagram accounts' username alter history plays an important part in discovering the legitimacy of an account. Follow the steps to a higher place to see any Instagram business relationship's username alter history.